5 tips for staying in shape this Christmas
Fitness & Spa

If you're swapping your “GO, GO, GO!” for a “HO, HO, HO!” but want to make sure that the only jolly old fat person this Christmas is the guy delivering the children's presents then follow the 5 rules that we've outlined below for a healthy and happy festive period.
- Ask for fitness related gifts
No one wants to be the family member who buys/receives socks for Christmas, so if you are truly serious about sticking to your health goals, then ask for items that will help inspire you to achieve bigger and better things when you finally return to the gym. Whether that's a new compression top, a nutritional cooking book or simply some leg weights. It will all help to keep you on track this Christmas. - Be aware of portion size
While it is important to be aware of how much you are eating at all points in the year, it is especially relevant during the festive period where we are faced with buffets, chocolates on the tree, office party snacks, alcohol, Christmas markets, family meals and more. We're not going to tell you not to eat anything but it's important to make the healthier choices and be aware of how much you are putting on your plate. Maybe that 20th pig-in-blanket is overdoing it? - Time management
You may find that with all the family commitments you acquire at this time of year that you feel you don't have time for the gym or for your usual routine. Rather than focusing on setting new personal bests, focus on just making time for the gym or a run outside. Even if it's just a 10 minute high intensity interval training (HIIT) routine, every bit you can do to maintain your fitness will help with your goals in the New Year. - Boxing Day sales
While you may still be recovering from Christmas Day, try to get out and about on Boxing Day. Whether that's a full blown workout or a trip around the park with your family, it all helps. Going around the Boxing Day sales will not only help you to return the gifts you didn't want and get in some good bargains, it will also help you with a bit of fitness at the same time. Walking around the shops, up and down the stairs rather than the escalator, can be your cardio and the weight of the shopping bags can be your resistance training! - Enjoy yourself
As much as the other 4 points are important, it is equally pertinent to remember to savour this happy time of year. You don't want to be so focused on your goals that you end up resenting them. If you know that you have the will and determination to make up for all of your Christmas sins then go right ahead and enjoy yourself. If not, then try and keep in mind the points we've already made.
Hopefully, these tips will help you stay on your personal trainers good list and help all your new Christmas clothes still fit come the New Year!
From everyone at SnowDome Fitness, Merry Christmas!