Fitness member of the month

Chris Green
Joined: May 2018
Quote from the gym team: Chris has worked very hard to improve his health is doing great with his weight loss so far. He shows that age is no barrier to exercise. Well done Chris!
Fitness achievement: I had been told by the NHS that I was obese and needed to reduce my weight to get my BMI within a healthy range. Since working with the team at the gym I have now lost 5 stone in weight and can now walk 12 miles in one go!
Favourite thing about SnowDome Fitness: There are many positives about the gym, but the most important one is the fitness team.
Favourite piece of gym equipment: All the gym equipment is first class, but the group cycle spinning bikes are top of my list.
Best workout: When I reached my target of 600 MOVEs on the group cycle bikes.
Current fitness goal: To lose one more stone and to reach my BMI target. I also hope eventually to be able to jog instead of walk.