Fitness member of the month

Peter Clay
JOINED: June 2017.
QUOTE FROM GYM TEAM: A huge well done to Pete for his brilliant weight loss achievement. He always takes part in our gym challenges and doesn’t stop until he’s at the top of the leaderboard! Keep on working hard Peter, you’re amazing and it hasn’t gone unnoticed by the team or our members. Well done!
FITNESS ACHIEVEMENT: Losing over 8 stone in weight to take part in two white collar boxing events for charity. Unfortunately, like most people, as soon as you achieve your goal… the weight starts to creep back on. So I joined SnowDome Fitness, which has helped me maintain my weight at a sensible level and compete in the last two Birmingham Sprint Triathlon’s.
FAVOURITE THING ABOUT SNOWDOME FITNESS: The different fitness areas that give good coverage for all training, including the swimming pool.
FAVOURITE PIECE OF EQUIPMENT: My favourite is probably the Vario cross trainer. I find it extremely good for cardio and endurance.
BEST WORKOUT: Boxing training. It’s always nice to let off a bit of steam for the week.
CURRENT FITNESS GOAL: Just to keep my fitness at a level where I can say “I’ll have a go at that,” something that in the past I’ve been unable to do.