Fitness member of the month

Louise Riley
Joined: 2011.
Quote from fitness team: Louise always trains hard to achieve her goals. Recently, she has increased the intensity of her lifting and is currently smashing all her targets set for her. We hope to see Louise win her competition later this year!
Fitness achievement: Being selected by The Special Forces Experience in 2015 to join a team of military vets across 3 events, which we won! More recently, winning 3rd place in a local powerlifting competition.
Favourite thing about SnowDome Fitness: The dedication the fitness team has towards helping members.
Favourite piece of equipment: All of the free weights.
Best workout: Any of my heavy powerlifting days.
Current fitness goal: Place in the top 3 in my next powerlifting comp and attempt the British record in the bench press (110kg) for my weight category by the end of the year!