Fitness member of the month

Charlie Sherman
JOINED: June 2018.
QUOTE FROM GYM TEAM: When it comes to training and nutrition, Charlie is always eager to learn and try new things. She has been incredibly consistent with her fitness and continues to keep hitting her goals. Charlie pushes herself in every class and personal training session she has. Well done Charlie, keep up the great work!
FITNESS ACHIEVEMENT: Losing 40lbs in the last year and changing my entire outlook on health and fitness.
FAVOURITE THING ABOUT SNOWDOME FITNESS: The fitness programmes and reviews are an absolute gamechanger! The team are awesome and so helpful!
FAVOURITE PIECE OF EQUIPMENT: There’s so much to choose from! I have an ongoing love/hate relationship with the climb and the sled.
BEST WORKOUT: The PT plans with Kieron, circuits, strength camp and Zumba!
CURRENT FITNESS GOAL: To improve my fitness, learn more about nutrition and be able to do a proper pull up!