Save money over the winter

Whether you're getting ready for the slopes or want as much winter fun as possible, SnowDome memberships are for you.
You can save 30% off 1 hour lift passes and all recreational discount sessions, plus exclusive savings on all other lift passes.
On top of that, SnowDome members receive lots of free goodies, such as:
- 1 hour lift pass (worth £32)
- Birthday lift pass (worth £32)
- Spa visit (worth £25)
That's £89 worth of free visits on a single adult membership.
Not to mention a whole host of other discounts including... 30% off lessons (including private lessons), vouchers for friends to enjoy members rates, 10% off main meals in the Aspen Food Company, 10% off in Ellis Brigham and 50% off spa visits.
With membership options for families, juniors, students and more, there are big savings to be made for everyone. For more details check out the memberships page. You can join online, over the phone or in person at reception.